Friday, December 17, 2010

3rd and 4th graders

3rd graders continued the yummy noms projects by studying Wayne Thiebaud cakes and desserts. We created a still life were we designed our own cake, we had to think about lights and darks for shadows, and we practiced making ellipses to make our cakes look more realistic.

Here are some of the yummiest!

Meanwhile 4th graders were working hard on facial proportions in clay and color mixing for skin tone. Can you guess who?

Watercolor 101 Day (and clay fish!)

I introduced our Kindergartners to watercolor this marking period. We talked about whats different about watercolor vs. tempera paints. We reviewed good painting techniques. We talked about warm and cool colors and blending. Then I just let the kids go at it on some scrap paper to just test it out and get a feel for it before moving onto an actual project.
It sure was messy, but the kids loved it!!! So heres some pictures from our first day using watercolor :)

I am also sneaking in some old pictures into this post, from when we painted our clay projects! Some of our students lost their clay fish in the great kiln disaster of 2010, so I remade a bunch of fish so no one would feel left out the day we were going to paint them. The kids really enjoyed painting the fish, they really liked painting the inside of the mouth. We had to talk about how its 3-D so we really need to look all around it when we paint to get all the white spaces.

A Fun Fall Project

I made these paper bag fall trees with some 1st graders, they loved it so much I decided to have Kindergarten and 2nd grade particpate in the activity before Thanksgiving break too.
Heres some of us in action, thinking about what kinds of colors we see on the trees and thinking about what makes something a sculpture:

1st grade

2nd grade

End of the second marking period!

Perhaps my new years goal should be to update the blog more regularly ;)

So we have had a busy second marking period and all kinds of fun in the art room.
I took some pictures of the 1st graders "Chilhuly Bowls" modeled after his Macchias.

These bowls were quite a hit at the fall festival night. As well as the 2nd grade leaf bowls, 4th grade clay portraits, and 3rd grade yummy pies!

Looking forward to more clay projects next year, sans the kiln disaster!