Sunday, October 24, 2010

Some other projects we did 1st marking period

Tomorrow marks the beginning of the second marking period and another 9 weeks of awesome art projects!

Here's some other projects we worked on this first marking period, many are hanging the walls outside the art room!

4th graders worked on 'big' paintings. We focused on flowers, the students were introduced to Georgia O'Keeffe. They drew the flowers really big, and then we painted them trying to use darks and lights to create value. We also tried to use complimentary colors to help emphasize the flower and really make it pop!

They turned out great!

1st graders have been working on cityscapes and a watercolor painting. The cityscapes were abstract, we used tissue paper and paint to create the shapes of buildings. We talked about architecture and what architects do and we also talked about overlapping. For the watercolor painting we did a pig, we talked about the kinds of animals you might see on a farm. We also talked about foreground, middle ground, and background. I was also impressed because we used watercolor, and that can be messy, we really focused on good craftsmanship and the kids were so excited to learn we could make shades of pink by using thinned out red watercolor.

Kindergarten had been working on paper projects to help develop those fine motor skills and to help the understand techniques for cutting and tearing paper, and of course using very little glue!

We worked on an initial collage, we talked about what initials are and helped each other figure out our correct initials. They also did a Kandinsky circle project where they cut different sized circles out of paper and had to glue them down overlapping different colors.

We had a painting 101 day, with surprisingly very little mess! The students learned about how to hold a paint brush, how to clean them, how to mix primary colors into secondary, and we just kinda played around a bit writing out names in paint. Just before fall break I had them practicing portraits and pigs so one of these might become our first real painting project. We also had an opportunity to work with modeling clay and real clay in the first 9 weeks making fish!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Disaster Strikes in the Kiln Room!

Bad news for several of my classes.....I fired my last batch of clay projects yesterday over fall break so they would be ready to paint next week. These projects were for the Fall Festival Night in my room as part of an art gallery showing.

We worked so hard getting all the classes projects ready before fall break so they could dry and be fired in time. I put in so many extra hours and really pushed the kids to get these done, I had several 4th graders come in during recess to finish their project.

So you can imagine perhaps some tears as I opened the kiln and found 4 shelves of completely melted projects....2 whole classes and 1/2 of 3 other classes. I have no idea whether I did something wrong or if something is not right with the kiln, but I am incredibly sorry to all the students whose projects were in there. Some of my favorite clay pieces of pie, clay fish, and clay portraits were in there. As well as these amazing leaf bowls!

So I may or may not try these projects again with the students, but I apologize to any parents in advance that several classes just may not have clay projects on fall festival night, but perhaps I can show off some of the students amazing 2-d work.