Monday, October 1, 2012

3rd grade content review

Here is what will be on the test for 3rd grade based on the projects and discussions we have had in class:

3rd grade content review                                                                          Name__________________________
1.            What art style did we use to decorate the sketchbook covers?
a.            Painting
b.            Water coloring
c.             Oil Pastel
d.            Collaging
2.            What is identity?

3.            Which artist were we looking at to help us create our self-portrait?
a.            Georgia O’Keeffe
b.            Red Grooms
c.             Vincent VanGogh
d.            Alexander Calder
4.            The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo DaVinci, WHY is it not a self-portrait?

6.            What makes our self-portrait 3-D (three dimensional)?
a.            The drawing
b.            The painting
c.             The foams spacers under the self-portrait
d.            The colors
7.            Why is your self-portrait a mixed media project? 

8.            A still life art work usually has:
                a.  Movement
                b.  Family Portrait
                c.  Still objects like fruit or flowers on a table
                d. Expressive lines
9.            What two colors did we use to help create lights and darks on our still life?

10.          What are analogous colors?

11.          If I use green, what are green’s two analogous colors?

13.          If your table washer puts too much water on the table, what do I like you to do about it?
a.            Use up a ton of expensive paper towels to dry it
b.            Push the water onto the floor so someone might slip
c.             Add hand soap to it to turn it into a bubble bath mess
d.            Be thoughtful of the environment and be less wasteful by using an art shirt to wipe it up or letting it air dry because art shirts and air are free.
14.          Give me two examples of what good craftsmanship looks like in art work:

Extra Credit:
  1. What 3 things am I looking for everyone at your table to do at the end of class before I dismiss your table to get in line?
  2. Which project was abstract?

2nd grade content review

Here is the test review for 2nd grade, all content discussed or worked on during art class:

2nd grade Content Review                                      Name_____________________________________

  1.  What art style did we use to decorate the sketchbook covers?
a.       Painting
b.      Water coloring
c.       Oil Pastel
d.      Collaging
  1. What is identity?

  1. Which artist were we looking at to help us create our self-portrait?
a.       Georgia O’Keeffe
b.      Red Grooms
c.       Vincent VanGogh
d.      Alexander Calder
  1. The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo DaVinci, is the painting a portrait or a self-portrait?

  1. Explain WHY you choose your answer for number 4 (Why did you pick portrait?  Or why did you pick self-portrait?)

  1. What makes our self-portrait 3-D (three dimensional)?
a.       The drawing
b.      The painting
c.       The foams spacers under the self-portrait
d.      The colors
  1. Why is your self-portrait a mixed media project? 

  1. List the 3 warms colors:

  1. List the 3 cool colors:

  1. Why is the Koi fish pond a mixed media project?

  1. Which culture/country use Koi fish for symbols?

  1. What are two symbols (meanings) for koi fish?

  1. If your table washer puts too much water on the table, what do I like you to do about it?
a.       Use up a ton of expensive paper towels to dry it
b.      Push the water onto the floor so someone might slip
c.       Add hand soap to it to turn it into a bubble bath mess
d.      Be thoughtful of the environment and be less wasteful by using an art shirt to wipe it up or letting it air dry because art shirts and air are free.
  1.  Give me two examples of what good craftsmanship looks like in art work:

Extra Credit:
  1. What does it mean if something is rare?

  1. How are Koi fish classified into different breeds?  (Think about different breeds of dogs, pugs, yorkies, golden retrievers, poodles, English bulldogs….)

Monday, October 24, 2011

What a marking period!

The first marking period was a busy, busy, busy one! From day one I never felt like I was ahead of things, I am so glad we had fall break so I could finally get things in order.

This year has been fabulous so far, I have been particularly impressed with the Kindergarten class this year!

There were many changes to the art room with getting 7 new computers into the art room, a new rewards system, a treasure box, and some extra decorations :)

Also there is a new grading scale for all related arts teachers. If you have not been following along on gradespeed, the new scale for K-1 is:
E = Excellent 90-100
S = Satisfactory 80-90
P= Progressing 70-80
N = Needs Improvement 60-70
U = Unsatisfactory 59 and below

for grades 2-4 the grading scale is now an A-F instead of the previous E, S, N

A = 90-100 Excellent
B = 80-90 Above Average
C = 70-80 Average
D = 60-70 Below Average, but passing
F = 59 and below not passing

So our grades are being diversified, where as previously E was 90-100, S was 70-90, and N was 69 and below. So I wanted a more diverse rubric, instead of using a 5 pt. scale, I am using a 10 point scale for all projects. I use a rubric based around the suggested district rubric and include my specific objectives for the lesson.

Our students that are struggling with craftsmanship or rushing projects would be low C's and D's. The only reason a student would ever get an F in art is not completing assignments because it is very hard to bring up a zero if they are not participating.

Our new teacher evaluation rubrics are set up a similar way and typically reflect a bell curve. I have high expectations for my students and consider the bell curve when grading, but I know my grades lean a little more towards mostly the front of the spectrum. I think these high expectations reflect in the amazing art that comes out of this school, and I find great satisfaction when students find a creative way to solve a problem!

As we all adjust to the new grading system, I try my best to keep as many updated grades as possible on gradespeed so parents can review. I am always open to talk to any parent if they have a concern.

I know most parents want their students making A's and B's and I am really glad we are switching to that style in art because I think it helps add validity to our subject and I have seen it motivate plenty of my students already to put more effort in their work. But I know that students have different talents, so I am trying to rely on some others to include in grades for our students that struggle a little more with artistic skills. So we are including some writing in the art room this year with journal entries in our sketch books about some things we are learning in the art room. Students are not being graded on spelling/grammar, but actual content and participation, so easy full credit for simply writing in their sketch books. I might also begin to include a few short quizzes to help bolster grades of students that really get the concept but have difficult expressing it in art. Some of us are less artistic, but I believe all my students are artists and it is my job to help find that talent and hence improve their grades! IEP's are also considered when grading.

I appreciate your support as well all adjust and I am embracing the change because I like math and doing grades....although it does take an awful lot of time :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Miss Fravel on Facebook and First Day!

What a great first day of school here at Hickman! I am looking forward to another great year and hope that are former 4th graders had a wonderful first day of middle school!

In an effort to maintain 'with-it-ness' and be as easily reachable to parents and students I have created a Facebook account strictly for educational purposes. You may find me under 'Missy Fravel' (No Missy is not my first name....but I couldn't make an account as Miss Fravel).

I think doing updates, posting photos, etc. will be a great way to keep everyone in the know about the art room happenings! So please add me if you are interested!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Summer Ends

I hope everyone has had a fantastic summer! I know I have enjoyed the time off but I am so looking forward to the upcoming school year! I've been setting up the classroom this week and making a few minor changes here and there to hopefully create a more exciting and organized room!

I really miss having a camera for blogging purposes so I think I am going to put it at the top of the 'To Buy' priority list since a birthday and Christmas are too far away! But I think I still have a few pictures from the camera I borrowed with some art work from the end of last school year. And there are probably some photos from some of my friends with my summer adventures I might share!

This year I would like to use the blog a little bit more, so hopefully I can spread awareness about its existence a little better. I have also been thinking about creating a facebook account strictly for school/education purposes and friending parents or students to help keep them in the know about what's happening in the art room! I also went to a technology workshop this summer so I am trying to incorporate a little more technology this year, firstly by adding a set of student computers to my room (big thank you to Mrs. Thomas for that!), and I am learning how to use twitter and create a classroom website that I might introduce this year.

Anywho, looking forward to another great year! And good luck to all my former 4th graders as they start middle school next week! Miss you!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pictures Return!

Thanks to a handy tip that our school has just a few cameras that can be checked out of the library, I have done so and have been taking pictures like crazy to get caught up!

3rd graders have been working on making a mask out of clay and then painting it. They drew a design first to help them think of the purpose of their mask (to entertain, to scare, to disguise, to protect, etc.).

Here a few from one of my 3rd grade classes, hopefully I can snap some more of my other two classes.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Art to Remember, Extended Deadline!

Mrs. Thomas and I will still take some orders into next week. It takes a lot of time an energy to complete the orders, but we want everyone to have a chance to turn there envelopes in, so please send it with your child to school if you have not already done so. We will be completing the order on Wednesday March 9th, so please turn it in before then if you still wish to order!

Thanks so much and thank you to everyone that has already turned theirs in :)